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Act!onHeat Support Facility launches call for applications to support local heating and cooling projects
As part of its commitment to Europe's 2050 climate change goals, eclareon is pleased to announce the launch of the Act!onHeat Support Facility 'Call for Applications'. This facility, implemented under the Act!onHeat project funded by the European Commission, aims to significantly boost local and regional heating and cooling (H&C) infrastructure, which is crucial as H&C accounts for around half of Europe's energy needs, 75% of which is still based on fossil fuels. What do we do at eclareon? eclareon steps in to provide specialised support in navigating the financial complexities associated with such large-scale transformations. We evaluate public, private and mixed funding options and provide tailored advice based on the specific requirements of each project. In addition to financial assessment, eclareon assists in accessing various funding sources, including EU grants and local funding opportunities. Our expertise includes providing economic feasibility analyses and showcasing successful case studies to guide and inspire stakeholders. For more information, please visit the project’s website.
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Eclareon has launched a study on socio-economic impacts linked to renewables deployment in Slovakia
Since December 2023, eclareon has been providing advisory support to a Slovakian umbrella association for the renewable sector called SAPI. Despite 2023 being declared the European Year of Skills, little or no effort has been made to address the challenge of the growing gap between market demand for green jobs and the country's current national educational and training capacity. Several players in the Slovak market, including the Slovak Association of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heat Pumps and the Slovak Association of Photovoltaic Industry and RES (SAPI) itself, have frequently raised this issue. eclareon is stepping in to provide its international expertise on the socio-economic impacts associated with the wider deployment of renewable energy sources. Building on national data to be collected through a business survey and expert interviews, eclareon's task is to provide best estimates of direct and indirect employment effects linked to solar PV, onshore wind and heat pump deployment. Furthermore, in view of the forthcoming Final Update of the National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP), a likely gap will be reckoned on the basis of the detailed calculations on specific categories of direct green jobs, including STEM ones.
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Study on Renewable Energy Barriers in the Western Balkans
CAN Europe released the ‘Overcoming barriers for renewable energy deployment in the Western Balkans: The case of North Macedonia and Serbia’ study that eclareon researchers Ana Stojilovska and Marko Kolovrat developed during the summer and autumn of 2023. The study published on 23 January highlights that both countries have made progress in establishing institutional and legislative frameworks aimed at boosting the deployment of RES, but challenges persist. A lack of political will, intricate administrative processes, and insufficient governance planning within the energy sector all hinder the efficient deployment of renewable sources. Recommendations articulated range from good governance to addressing energy poverty provide guidance for further steps to enable these countries in meeting their net zero targets in a swift and just manner. Further dissemination events are to follow in the coming months.
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The Countdown to the 10th BETD is on
The Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue (BETD) is one of the most important international conferences on the global energy transition. Around 50 delegations and more than 2000 international decision-makers from the business and science communities and civil society from over 130 countries commune every year at the Federal Foreign Office in Berlin. In 2024, eclareon is again taking part in organising the event, getting ready for its 10th edition. Against the backdrop of COP28 decisions, where the global community committed to accelerating the energy transition to achieve the 1.5°C target, the BETD aims to facilitate discussions on concrete measures and cooperation. The goal is to triple renewable energy capacity globally and increase the global average annual rate of energy efficiency improvements by 2030. However, ambitious energy transition targets are only as good as their implementation. The German Government wants to shape and accelerate this in a spirit of international cooperation. On 19 and 20 March, discussions will be held on how to accelerate the expansion of renewable energies and exploit the full potential of the global energy transition. At the same time, the creation of sustainable growth, a socially just transformation, jobs and energy security are at the top of the conference agenda. For more information, visit the conference website:  
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Join the eclareon Expert Pool
At the eclareon policy department, we advise European institutions, governments, businesses and NGOs on the global deployment of renewable energy and climate technology solutions. eclareon's team, which spans a wide range of EU Member States and beyond, offers a unique blend of international academic and professional experience. This diversity fosters a holistic approach to our projects. With over 20 years of experience in the energy and environmental technology sectors, eclareon has established lasting industry relationships, underscoring our dedication to continuous growth and innovation. We are currently looking for professionals with a passion for climate and energy policy to join our pool of experts. Your expertise will be instrumental in driving forward important research projects in these vital areas. Joining the pool does not entail any pre-set commitments. As we pursue and acquire projects, we will be in touch with you to explore whether you are the right fit for the task and discuss whether you wish to participate.   Application Guidelines: Please send your detailed Europass CV to It is important that your CV includes comprehensive sections on your education and work experience. This level of detail is crucial to matching you with projects that reflect your expertise and interests. Selected experts will be engaged in project-based work that matches their expertise, qualifications and interests, with remuneration commensurate with the scope and nature of the project.  
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There is a deep need to consider the socio-ecological effects of renewable deployment
eclareon developed a ten-step checklist commissioned by CAN Europe in October 2023 that can be a guide for governments, local authorities and developers of crucial considerations they need to consider when accelerating wind and solar development. The checklist underlines the need for early and just public engagement, supporting democratic energy cooperatives, ensuring local staffing, deploying Geographic Information System (GIS), prioritizing brownfield over greenfield development, while maximising synergies with nature protection and biodiversity increases. These steps will help build public support for local renewable energy projects, helping reduce the likelihood of objections and make the permitting process much smoother and quicker; thereby, maintaining or accelerating the energy transition’s momentum. The checklist elaborated by eclareon forms a key part of the briefing paper called Guidelines to Faster and Fairer Permitting for Europe’s Renewable Energy Transition, which was published by CAN Europe in mid-October 2023. Further details may be found on the following link.
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Into new markets for renewable energies and green hydrogen!
On behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection in Germany, eclareon will continue to advise and support the “energy solutions - made in Germany” offers to German companies in the renewable energy sector in the fields of production and green hydrogen in 2024. The eclareon team is looking forward to the realisation of numerous exciting events and delegation trips and to working with various implementation partners of the German government. Interested German companies can find out more about the current offers at You can register for the events and trips organised by eclareon in November and December 2023 here (in German only). We will publish the new offers for 2024 for German companies as soon as possible. For further information, please contact Kai Unger,
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RES Simplify project successfully completed
In the period of September 2020 until mid-2023, eclareon, together with Oeko-Institute, WindEurope and SolarPower Europe, were implementing a project for DG ENER named “Technical support for RES policy development and implementation – Simplification of permission and administrative procedures for RES installations”, abbreviated and known as RES Simplify. The project was officially brought to an end in May 2023. The project aim was to facilitate and accelerate administrative and permit-granting procedures of renewable energy projects across EU Member States. Given this, the project consortium scrutinised such procedures across the EU. These were subsequently evaluated based on the developed performance indicators. The main results together with measures identified as good practices were further examined and disseminated through the series of 52 stakeholder engagement activities. The events included sectoral surveys, virtual workshops, national events, bilateral meetings, and presentations in public events, among others. On top of that, the partners monitored the easing of permit-granting procedures in line with the obligation for the transposition of Arts. 15-17 of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED II). Additional measures going beyond the RED II (e.g., overriding public interest principle, identification of suitable areas, positive silence for RE projects) were also further discussed. Based on the aforementioned deliverables, the partners developed recommendations and identified best practices for RES admission procedures. Last but not least, an outline for the optimised processes and supporting IT infrastructure that are compliant with RED II was prepared. The RES Simplify Final Report (in English), which includes all the details, can be found here.
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PGREF: Pakistani delegation visits Berlin Energy Transition Dialogues and Berlin Energy Week
In the framework of the Pakistan-German Renewable Energy Forum (PGREF), a fifteen-member delegation visits the Berlin Energy Transition Dialoge, several side events and participates in workshops with Berlin experts to learn about urban solar policy instruments such as the Masterplan Solarcity Berlin and about smart sustainable mobility and transport concepts. PGREF, funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ),  supports Pakistani and German businesses and think tanks to develop mutually beneficial cooperation for successful renewable energy and energy efficiency projects in Pakistan. eclareon supports the lead consultant INTEGRATION environment & energy in the conception of the PGREF and since 2022 has been working with the PGREF team to set up various task forces to promote bilateral cooperation. The current delegation is composed of participants of the task forces "Smart cities", "Net-zero Industry" and representatives of the Alternative Energy Development Board (AEDB).
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Already more than 200 registrations for the Urban Innovation Forum 2023
The Urban Innovation Forum, formerly Urban Energy Forum, will take place as an official side event of the Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue on 30 March at Drivery, Studio 22, Mariendorfer Damm 1, 12099 Berlin. Participation is free of charge, registration is required. Further information is available at The forum is organised by the Berlin-Brandenburg Energy Network e.V. (BEN) and took place for the first time in 2018 on the initiative of eclareon. For companies from Berlin and Brandenburg interested in the BEN, Managing Director and BEN President Christoph Urbschat will be available on 30 March between 12 and 2 p.m. as part of B2B matchmaking. After successful registration, appointments with all participants can be booked here:
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Countdown to the 9th Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue
The 9th Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue (BETD) will be held on 28-29 March 2023 at Federal Foreign Office in Berlin.  More than 1,000 participants, including numerous foreign and energy ministers, state secretaries and other high-ranking speakers, will gather in the German capital in one week. The event is hosted and supported by the German Federal Government and is a joint initiative of the German Renewable Energy Federation (BEE), the German Solar Association (BSW), the German Energy Agency (dena) and eclareon. In the past years the BETD has become a leading international forum for key stakeholders of the energy sector. High-level policymakers, industry, science and civil society are given the opportunity to share their experiences and ideas on a safe, affordable and environmentally responsible global energy transition. More information about 9th BETD at
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Study "Potentials for the Production of Green Hydrogen - Overview of Assessment Criteria from a Development Policy Perspective and Comparison with Current Potential Atlases.
Green hydrogen plays an increasingly important role as an energy carrier for a global energy transition, offering enormous opportunities both for the decarbonization of Germany and for the socio-economic development of partner countries of German development cooperation. In addition to the development of domestic production, the import of green hydrogen will play an important role in Germany. For these imports, sustainability criteria in particular must be defined and taken into account in addition to economic criteria. In this context, the study conducted by eclareon on behalf of GIZ pursued the goal of examining existing potential studies for green hydrogen with regard to the consideration of potential criteria relevant to development policy. At the same time, an indicator system for developmental sustainability criteria was developed and its suitability for the evaluation of country potentials for the development of a hydrogen economy was assessed. The indicators were applied as examples to four partner countries of German international cooperation that are already implementing activities in the field of green hydrogen. These countries are Brazil, Chile, Morocco and South Africa. The study can be downloaded in German here.
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Visit of Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs Annalena Baerbock during the inauguration ceremony of the solar school "School No. 60" in Tashkent
On 01 November 2022, we had the pleasure to welcome German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock and other high-ranking guests during the inauguration ceremony of our new solar school "School No. 60" in Tashkent. The solar school in Tashkent is already the fourth solar school in Central Asia to be included in the growing solar school network. As part of the „Solar Schools“ project funded by the German Foreign Office, schools in Central Asia and the Caucasus are equipped with a PV system, which is installed by a local solar company and then integrated into German and physics lessons. At the inauguration ceremony, three solar suitcases were handed over to the school - with experiments on solar energy and other exciting activities, the students of the solar schools will be trained and encouraged to actively shape the global energy transition. Further information on the project is available on the project website
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BLUE PLANET - Berlin Water Dialogues
The BLUE PLANET Berlin Water Dialogues are going into the next round! This year's edition on 22 November 2022 will revolve around the topic of artificial intelligence and discuss what opportunities and risks it poses for the international water sector. The BLUE PLANET is an established event series and was launched in 2011 with the aim of providing a platform for the exchange of knowledge, ideas and experiences to improve the global water situation. The conference takes place online and serves as a forum for representatives from politics, business, science and society to discuss approaches for future-oriented and sustainable water resource management. This is the third time eclareon is involved in organising the conference: We cordially invite you to participate. Registration is possible via the following link:
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Translation: RES Simplify Report on the Simplification of Approval and Administrative Procedures for RE Installations Published
On May 18, 2022, the European Commission (DG ENER) published the report titled "Technical support for RES policy development and implementation – Simplification of permission and administrative procedures for RES installations (RES Simplify)," prepared by the international consulting firm eclareon GmbH in collaboration with the Öko-Institut e.V. and two European associations for renewable energy – WindEurope and SolarPower Europe. The aim of the report is to provide insight into the key obstacles that hinder the proliferation of renewable energy utilization technologies in approval and grid connection procedures. Furthermore, it discusses best practice examples from EU member states, as well as Iceland and Norway, and provides general best practice recommendations that can be promoted regarding the approval of renewable energy installations and their connection to the grid. Finally, it outlines how member states can establish optimized processes and supportive IT infrastructure that align with the relevant requirements of the revised Renewable Energy Directive (RED II). In addition to the main report, the consortium has produced 29 comprehensive national reports describing approval procedures and associated obstacles and best practices at the national level. Currently, the consortium is disseminating and promoting the identified best practices with policymakers and regulatory authorities, renewable energy associations, and representatives of the private sector to gather ideas and proposals for further improving approval procedures in EU countries. Feedback from these discussions will contribute to EU-level policy recommendations aimed at further optimizing approval procedures for renewable energy projects, thereby contributing to the achievement of ambitious renewable energy goals at both the member state and EU levels by 2030 and beyond. You can find the main report for RES Simplify here. The national reports can be found here.
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RES Policy Monitoring Database: Final report reveals that European energy independence is ‘blocked by bureaucracy’‘
On 14 March, eclareon has published a new first-of-its-kind report, identifying and assessing the barriers blocking wind and solar energy projects in all 27 EU countries and the UK. The report comes less than a week after the European Union announced plans ‘to make Europe independent from Russian fossil fuels well before 2030’ as a response to President Putin’s war in Ukraine. Accelerating the construction of wind and solar projects will be essential if the EU and UK are to break Putin’s grip on the European energy market. Eclareon’s new research finds significant barriers to projects in all countries, with administrative processes like planning and permitting being the most common and most serious issues blocking new renewables developments in Europe. Under the report’s index system, no country had ‘low’ or ‘minimal’ barriers. In fact, researchers found that barriers in many places made the rollout of wind and solar projects effectively impossible. For more information, please see the full report and the RES Policy Monitoring Database, which contains information about barriers and best practice for Wind and Solar projects in Europe.
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Market Expansion Program: Recycling Technologies for Portugal's Waste Management
From October 12 to October 15, 2021, as part of the Market Expansion Program for SMEs, a digital business initiation trip to Portugal is organized for German suppliers and service providers in the field of recycling technologies with a focus on plastics and organic waste. Portugal's waste management continues to face significant challenges, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite recycling nearly 13% more in 2020 compared to the previous year, Portugal's recycling rate was still considerably below the EU average, while the volume of municipal waste generated increased. Therefore, the Portuguese government is making efforts to significantly improve waste management, with the aim of increasing the recycling rate and reducing the amount of waste per person in the coming years. As part of the implementation consortium, eclareon is supporting the organization and execution of this event.    
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RES Simplify
Since September 2021, eclareon, together with the Oeko-Institute, WindEurope and SolarPower Europe, has been implementing a project for the European Commission called “Technical support for RES policy development and implementation – Simplification of permission and administrative procedures for RES installations (RES SIMPLIFY)”. As the name of the project already suggests, the key aim of this project is to facilitate and accelerate administrative and permitting procedures for the promoters and developers of renewable energy projects across EU Member States. The project comprises the following tasks: Mapping of administrative and permitting procedures for renewable energy technologies in EU Member States, Norway and Iceland and developing relevant performance indicators for Member State monitoring Member State monitoring and evaluation of the national administrative and permitting procedures based on the developed performance indicators and identification of good practice Dissemination and promotion of best practices An outline for the optimised processes and supporting IT infrastructure that are compliant with RED II Monitoring of RED II implementation in EU Member States and based on that, drafting of recommendations for policy initiatives at EU level Currently, the project consortium is finalising the mapping of administrative and permitting procedures in all EU Member States, Norway and Iceland and is starting the validation stage of the preliminary research results. For validation purposes, validation & feedback workshops with the members of WindEurope and SolarPower Europe members took place in March and April respectively. Further workshops are planned in May with the representatives of small-scale hydropower (organised by EREF), and from geothermal (ESTIF) and solar thermal (EGEC) sectors. In the next step, the project team will outline the optimised processes and supporting IT infrastructure that are compliant with RED II and start monitoring the RED II implementation in the EU Member States and will start with the dissemination and promotion of best practices identified.
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Consortium Formation Information Event: Green Hydrogen in Portugal
On June 30, 2021, a virtual information event will take place to support the formation of a consortium on the topic of green hydrogen production, distribution, and (intermediate) storage in Portugal. The event is aimed at German companies and technology providers in the fields of green hydrogen production, distribution, and storage, who can envision forming a consortium to jointly serve the Portuguese market. The information event is organized by eclareon GmbH in collaboration with Berlin-Consult GmbH and AHK Portugal.
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