Accelerating the deployment of renewable energy remains a high priority in the EU, but benefit sharing is essential to ensure a just transition that is broadly supported and allows the bloc to reach net zero in a politically palatable way. The political backlash from the proliferation of sustainable projects that do not benefit local people has proven to be a major obstacle to climate goals and a source of conflict between locals, project developers and states.
In light of the above, eclareon, in collaboration with Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe, has launched a study on community engagement and benefit sharing in relation to renewable energy projects in mid-October 2024. The study develops an assessment framework measured through key performance indicators to evaluate the community engagement and benefit sharing policies and actions of renewable energy project developers and grid operators. We expect to complete in early-2025. As part of the project, eclareon’s experts will conduct research in selected EU Member States (France, Germany, Italy, Poland, and Spain) and simultaneously assess selected community engagement plans across the EU. Finally, the project will produce research-based recommendations to guide policy-makers, regulators and project developers thereby enabling a just transition.
The newly started project follows previous projects delivered with CAN Europe in 2023/2024.