Analysis of Value Chains and Socio-Economic Impacts
Renewable energies are not only a climate and environmentally friendly solution for energy supply, they are also a job engine and can help build domestic value chains and industries.
To describe and quantify these effects, we have been building socio-economic models for several years as part of ongoing policy advisory projects. The main use cases are:
Ex-ante modelling
Changing framework conditions can create markets for new technologies or open up new customer segments. We analyze the future effects in terms of market size and job effects using quantifying and qualitative calculation models.
Ex-post modelling
Besides the analysis of future developments, eclareon considers and analyzes the impact of individual (large-scale) projects on national or regional labor markets. The ex-post analysis of job effects achieved by individual projects plays a central role especially in international development cooperation.
Interpretation of employment effects
In addition to the quantitative analysis of predicted or real employment effects of sustainable energy projects or markets, eclareon investigates the qualitative distribution of these effects along technology-specific value chains, such as the impact of the expansion of national production capacities.
PV & Wind value chains in Algeria
Analysis of solar and wind value chains in Algeria
Value chains GH2 in Algeria
Analysis of the green hydrogen value chain in Algeria
Jobs in East Africa
Preparation of a case study on employment effects from the construction of a new hydropower plant in East Africa
Photovoltaics in Yemen
Impact of the expansion of decentralized photovoltaic systems on the labor market in Yemen
Labour market effects in Jordan
Study on the local socio-economic impacts of renewable energy and energy efficiency deployment in Jordan
Calculate socio-economic impacts
Training on the application and further development of calculation models for measuring socio-economic impacts of the deployment of renewable energies
Sustainable green hydrogen
Analysis of studies for the estimation of the potentials for the production of green hydrogen in partner countries of the German development cooperation