Permitting procedures are currently the biggest bottleneck to the rapid expansion of renewable energy in most EU member states.
As a consultancy that has been studying the regulatory evolution of permitting procedures for project developers for 15 years and providing best practice examples of administrative procedures from across the EU and neighboring countries, eclareon is one of the pioneers in providing this information to the professional public.
Survey of planning, approval and other administrative procedures
The development of green power projects is associated with numerous administrative procedures. For more than 10 years eclareon has been surveying these procedures in all EU member states. For this purpose, we define the relevant process steps with the client:inside, survey the applicable planning and approval procedures and identify interdependencies.
Identification of lengthy process steps
eclareon identifies those regulatory obstacles that stand in the way of a smooth realization of energy projects and evaluates them according to their time, cost or other criteria. For this purpose, we conduct targeted in-depth interviews with the entities involved in the processes in the respective countries.
Elaboration of best-practice guides
Thanks to the maturing European energy market, Member States have accumulated a number of success stories and experiences. Eclareon analyzes best practices of policy making in Member States for their applicability in the desired target countries and makes recommendations for action.
Permitting-related KPIs
Permitting-related KPIs
RES Simplify
Simplification of permission and administrative procedures for renewable energy installations
Data collection, analysis and evaluation of progress in the use of renewable energies.
RES Western Balkan study
Study on Barriers for Deployment of Renewables in the Western Balkans
Networking platform & monitoring of proven best practices for renewable energies
Robust permitting
Improved permitting procedures for the expansion of Renewables in EU member states
RES Policy Monitoring Database
Barriers and best practices for wind and solar electricity in the EU27 and UK
RES Permitting
Monitoring the implementation of the European Commission guidance on speeding up permit-granting procedures for renewable energy projects
Cost analysis of renewable and conventional energy technologies up to 2030 and beyond
PV Legal
Analysis of administrative processes and existing barriers in the planning and installation of PV systems