Technical assistance in realisation of the 4th report on progress of renewable energy in the EU (PREBS)

Data collection, analysis and evaluation of progress in the use of renewable energies.
The PREBS project served to provide technical assistance to the Commission in the realization of the 2018 report on renewable energy. The project included the data collection, analysis and assessment of the progress in deployment of renewable energy, and national measures promoting such deployment, in the 28 EU Member States, based on Member State renewable energy progress reports submitted in 2017. In addition, the project also conducted data collection on the EU biofuel, biomass and biogas markets and on economic, social, and environmental impacts of the EU consumption of biofuels, biomass and biogas.
EU27, UK
Project partner
Ecofys, TU Wien, Fraunhofer ISI, Stockholm Environment Institute
Client / Financing
European Commission (DG ENER)
Further information
EU27, UK Monitoring the Regulatory FrameworkStreamlining Administrative Procedures